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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Is aroma massage different from oil massage?

Nowadays, massage is one of the most popular methods of body therapy and relaxation, especially among working-age and middle-aged people who often face unavoidable body aches. Of course, the benefits of massage are not just to relieve the feeling of fatigue that occurs in various

Let’s get to know what Pilates is.

Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on helping to organize the body, control breathing and movement, and strengthen the core and back muscles, as well as making the body more flexible. If you want to change to a fit and firm line but

4 Healthy Fruit and Vegetable Juice Recipes.

Fruit and vegetable juices are not just thirst-quenching beverages, but also a source of important nutrients that promote healthy. Staying home and feeling bloated and gaining a little weight, we can’t let our health deteriorate. So we have to find a way to help strengthen